Florian Schreck
Professor of Experimental Quantum Physics, Principal Investigator of the "Strontium quantum gas" group, University of Amsterdam

Florian Schreck works on quantum sensors, simulators and computers based on ultracold strontium atoms. After his PhD at E.N.S. Paris with Christophe Salomon and a postdoc in Austin, TX with Mark Raizen, he joined the group of Rudolf Grimm at IQOQI, Innsbruck in 2004. He founded his own research group in 2008, soon afterwards creating the first quantum gas of strontium. In 2014 he moved his group to Amsterdam. He is coordinator of the Quantum Flagship project iqClock, which aims to bring the best clocks in the world closer to the market. Within this project his research group is developing a new generation of optical clocks, superradiant clocks. Related to this project his group recently created the first continuous matter-wave amplifier and with it a continuous-wave Bose-Einstein condensate, a great starting point for future continuous atom lasers that are useful for quantum sensing. His group is building a quantum simulator/computer based on single Sr atoms loaded into an array of optical tweezers. Finally his group is exploring ultracold Rb-Sr mixtures with the goal of creating an ultracold gas of RbSr molecules, suitable for the quantum simulation of systems with dipolar interactions.

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