Alexandra Boltasseva
Ron And Dotty Garvin Tonjes Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Purdue University

Prof. Boltasseva is a Ron And Dotty Garvin Tonjes Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the Purdue University. Her specializes in nanophotonics, optical materials and nanotechnology focusing on materials for plasmonics and nanophotonic technologies, nanoscale optics, plasmonics, optical metamaterials, nanolithography, nanofabrication and material growth. The central theme of Boltasseva’s research is to find new ways for realization of plasmonic and nanophotonic devices - from material building blocks to advanced designs and demonstrations. Prof. Boltasseva’s team aims at developing new technological platforms to unlock properties of nanophotonic structures in previously unavailable designs and wavelength regimes and to enable new generations of low-loss, tunable, reconfigurable, semiconductor-compatible devices for applications in onchip optics and optoelectronics, information processing, data recording/storage, nanoscale light manipulation, sensing, medical imaging and therapy, and energy conversion.

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